Environmental Consulting in Alaska and the Pacific Northwest

JBER SS109 Biocell
Rescon personnel, partnering with CES-Insight, managed a two-year remedial treatment activity on 2,200 cubic yards of contaminated soil removed from a F-22 Weapons Release Shop on Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson. Project activities began in 2017 on behalf of the Air Force Civil Engineer Center (AFCEC), consisting of management of the system operations and maintenance (O&M) program and performance monitoring of a ventilated stock pile (VSP) soil vapor extraction (SVE) system constructed in 2011 to remediate chlorinated solvent contamination.
During the summers of 2017 and 2018, project teams conducted monthly O&M and analytical sampling of the VSP. The O&M activities consisted of mechanical tilling of the soil in the VSP, dewatering of the stockpile, the collection of performance monitoring soil and vapor samples and the preparation of technical memorandum reports detailing the site conditions and analytical results.
At the completion of the two-year O&M program, the project team submitted a final report detailing all field activities and analytical sampling results with findings characterizing the current environmental condition along with recommendations for future management of the site. Rescon also inserted and validated for acceptance the Final Deliverable data packages to the USAF ERPIMS database in accordance with AFCEC requirements.