Environmental Consulting in Alaska and the Pacific Northwest
Tatalina LRRS
Rescon Alaska, as a subcontractor to Kasteler Consulting Inc., acted in the completion of a Preliminary Assessment and Site Investigation at the Tatalina Long Range Radar Station (LRRS) in 2015. During this project, Rescon was tasked with characterizing and defining areas of free product petroleum LNAPL and PCE contaminated soil down-gradient of a former waste accumulation area. Rescon developed a UFP-QAPP for all project activities to establish the organizational structure, detail the project objectives, develop the remedial approach and outline the field sample collection and waste characterization and handling methods in accordance with RCRA, TSCA and ADEC regulatory requirements. This Quality Assurance Project Plan outlined the field and laboratory QA/QC requirements. Utilizing the EPA’s DQO process, Rescon personnel clearly identified the problems and goals for the project and developed the investigative approach and the definitive-quality data criteria to ensure the project data was usable and representative of site conditions. Rescon utilized an array of investigation techniques, including screening the soil with a Color-Tec kit for real-time detection of solvent contamination and the installation of temporary well points to measure, map, and define the LNAPL extents through areas of unconsolidated fill.